Ik kreeg van Sylvia van ..http://nailartcreations.blogspot.com/... deze stylish blogger Award...
Heel erg bedankt Sylvia voor deze award.
Here are the Rules for this award!!!
1. Thank and link the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 Things about your self.
3 Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers to tell them about this award.
Seven things about myself.....
1. I am a mother and have 4 kids... 3 boys and 1 girl.
the boys are 14/12/1 and the girl is almost 9.
2. My familie live in Friesland . I have a brother and a sister.
And my mum and my dad life also in friesland
3. I have brown eyes en Brown long Hair.

3. I am a nailpolish addict for almost a year now.

4.I love to take pictures i take a lot from my kids.

5. My favorite TV Serie ..
Grey's Anatomy...
.My friend and i we love to wacth this tv program together

6. My tattoo
Last year i get a tattoo on my foot, it was very painfull
but the result are "I love my tattoo"
The meaning of my tattoo is : Do you see the stars i have 4 stars on my foot.
1 star for each child of mine.
And i love to get another tattoo...
7. I love to listen to music musis is my first love ...

Trance music i love.
like tiesto,david guetta
my favorite blogs i love to watch....
thanks so much! i love your tattoo :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenHey wat leuk dat je me hebt getagged! Ik heb toevallig al 3 tags online staan vandaag! (ik zal er nog even bijschrijven dat ik hem ook van jou heb gehad :-)) Super sweet! Thankjoewww ♥
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLiefs Ilja
thanks so much!!! i love grey's anatomy also :)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenLeuk om te lezen! Je tattoo is echt prachtig! Heb er ook een tijdje over gedacht om een voettattoo te nemen, maar heb het nog maar even gelaten (heb er al 3 dus ben voorlopig er even klaar mee!)
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThanks voor de blog award.
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJe tattoo is echt geweldig!
nice tattoo!! new follower here, nice to meet you!
BeantwoordenVerwijderenThank you so much!! Your tattoo is gorgeous. 3 boys and 1 daughter WOW! How on earth do you manage? =)